Which of the following describes a learned behavior?

A. A cat nursing its kittens
B. A parrot singing words to a song
C. A mocking bird building a nest
D. A zebra's black and white stripes.


You are correct,the answer is B. Good job :)

Yes, option B, a parrot singing words to a song, describes a learned behavior. Now, let me explain how we can arrive at this answer by analyzing the options.

In order to determine whether a behavior is learned or innate, we need to consider whether it is acquired through experience or if it is instinctive.

Option A, a cat nursing its kittens, is an example of an instinctive behavior. Nursing is a natural behavior that is hardwired into a cat's biological makeup. Therefore, it is not a learned behavior.

Option C, a mockingbird building a nest, is also an instinctive behavior. Building nests is an inherent behavior in many bird species, including mockingbirds. Their ability to construct nests is a result of their genetic programming, not something they learn from experience.

Option D, a zebra's black and white stripes, refers to a physical trait rather than a behavior. The coloration of a zebra's coat is determined by its genes and is not a learned behavior.

Option B, a parrot singing words to a song, is a clear example of a learned behavior. Parrots have the ability to mimic and learn the sounds they hear in their environment. By hearing songs and words repeatedly, they can imitate and replicate those sounds.

Therefore, the correct answer is indeed option B, a parrot singing words to a song.