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Main Entry: clas·si·cal
Pronunciation: 'kla-si-k&l
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin classicus
Date: 1599
2 a : of or relating to the ancient Greek and Roman world and especially to its literature, art, architecture, or ideals b : versed in the classics
3 a : of or relating to music of the late 18th and early 19th centuries characterized by an emphasis on balance, clarity, and moderation b : of, relating to, or being music in the educated European tradition that includes such forms as art song, chamber music, opera, and symphony as distinguished from folk or popular music or jazz
4 a : AUTHORITATIVE, TRADITIONAL b (1) : of or relating to a form or system considered of first significance in earlier times <classical Mendelian genetics> (2) : not involving relativity, wave mechanics, or quantum theory <classical physics> c : conforming to a pattern of usage sanctioned by a body of literature rather than by everyday speech
5 : concerned with or giving instruction in the humanities, the fine arts, and the broad aspects of science <a classical curriculum>

The term "classical" is used to describe the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations because they are considered to be the foundations of Western civilization. The term "classical" derives from the Latin word "classicus," which means "belonging to the highest class." It was first used during the Renaissance to distinguish the ancient Greek and Roman cultures from the medieval period.

To understand why these civilizations are referred to as "classical," we need to look at their immense influence in various fields, including art, literature, philosophy, politics, and architecture. The ancient Greeks and Romans made significant contributions to these areas, which have had a lasting impact on subsequent societies.

To delve deeper into this topic, you can explore the following steps:

1. Study the ancient Greek civilization: Begin by researching the achievements of the ancient Greeks. Look into their advancements in various fields such as democracy, philosophy (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle), drama (Sophocles, Euripides), and architecture (Parthenon, Acropolis).

2. Study the ancient Roman civilization: Explore the Roman Empire's rise and its influence on law, engineering (Aqueducts, Colosseum), literature (Virgil, Ovid), and governance (Republican and Imperial Rome).

3. Compare and contrast: Analyze the similarities and differences between Greek and Roman cultures. Identify the ways in which the Romans were influenced by the Greeks and how they developed their own distinct contributions.

4. Influence on Western civilization: Explore how the ideas, art, and culture of the ancient Greeks and Romans have shaped Western civilization. Investigate the Renaissance period's fascination with classical antiquity and the subsequent impact on art, architecture, and intellectual thought.

By examining these aspects, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of why the term "classical" is used to refer to the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations and their enduring influence on later societies.