How can i write this in log form

5^-2 = 0.04

log(5^-2) = log(0.04)

-2log5 = log.04

To write 5^-2 = 0.04 in log form, you need to remember that logarithms are used to express exponentiation in a different way.

In this case, the logarithm base is 5. So, the logarithmic expression for 5^-2 = 0.04 would be:

log base 5 of 0.04 = -2

To write the equation 5^-2 = 0.04 in log form, you need to understand the relationship between logarithms and exponentials.

In general, a logarithm is the inverse operation of exponentiation. It represents the power to which a base must be raised to obtain a given value.

The log form of an equation typically has the format: log[base](value) = exponent.

In the given equation: 5^-2 = 0.04, the base is 5, the exponent is -2, and the value is 0.04.

To write this equation in log form using base 5, you can express it as follows:

log[5](0.04) = -2