Norman received $60 for working 8 hours. At this rate, how much would receive for working 35 hours?

60/8 = 7.50 per hour


7.5 * 35 = ?

To find out how much Norman would receive for working 35 hours at the same rate, we can set up a proportion and solve for the unknown amount.

We know that Norman received $60 for working 8 hours. Let's call the unknown amount he would receive for working 35 hours "x".

Using the concept of proportionality, we can set up the following proportion:

8 hours / $60 = 35 hours / x

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and divide:

8x = 35 * $60

To calculate this, we multiply 35 by $60:

8x = $2,100

Now we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 8:

x = $2,100 / 8

Calculating this, we find:

x = $262.50

Therefore, if Norman works 35 hours at the same rate as before, he would receive $262.50.