Report the following to two significant figures

a. 3.1459
b. 6.003
c. 42
d. 6.0233 x 10^23
e. 14.456 + 3.87
f. 9.9999995 - 0.0108
g. 67.3 x 6.667
h. 4.93 / 3.946

Can someone please check my answers
a. 3.1
b. 6.0
c. 42
d. 6.0 x 10^23
e. 18
f. 10.
g. 4.5 x 10^2
h. 1.2

Answered below at your first post.

so this is right, each number can only have two digits

for f. should it be 10 or 10.

10 isn't right. It should be written as 10. or as 1.0 x 10^1. Most texts will tell you to write it as 1.0 x 10^1 no matter what but most people I know accept 10. as ok since that clearly shows where the decimal point is to be placed. Of course, it you are writing a sentence and the period after the zero comes at the end of the sentence, then we don't know if we "dot" we have there is the period or to show two significant figures. In that case it is a must that we write 1.0 x 10^1. That way there is no doubt.

answered 1 note above.

To report the given numbers to two significant figures, you need to round each number accordingly.

a. 3.1459 - If we round this number to two significant figures, we look at the third digit after the decimal point. Since it's greater than 4, we should round up. The final answer is 3.1.

b. 6.003 - Rounding this number to two significant figures, we check the third digit after the decimal point. It's 3, which is less than 5, so we don't need to round up. The final answer is 6.0.

c. 42 - This integer doesn't have any decimal places. All digits in an integer are significant, so we keep the number as it is. The final answer is 42.

d. 6.0233 x 10^23 - In scientific notation, the significant figures are shown in the coefficient (6.0233). Rounding this to two significant figures gives us 6.0. We keep the exponent (10^23) the same. The final answer is 6.0 x 10^23.

e. 14.456 + 3.87 - Adding these two numbers, we get 18.326. Rounding this to two significant figures, we consider the third digit after the decimal point. It's 6, which means we need to round up. The final answer is 18.

f. 9.9999995 - 0.0108 - Subtracting these two numbers gives us 9.9881995. Rounding this to two significant figures, we look at the third digit after the decimal point, which is 8. Rounding up, the final answer is 10.

g. 67.3 x 6.667 - Multiplying these two numbers, we get 448.7541. Rounding this to two significant figures, we consider the third digit after the decimal point, which is 4. Rounding up, the final answer is 450.

h. 4.93 / 3.946 - Dividing these two numbers, we get 1.24905073. Rounding this to two significant figures, we look at the third digit after the decimal point, which is 9. Rounding up, the final answer is 1.2.

So, the correct answers are:
a. 3.1
b. 6.0
c. 42
d. 6.0 x 10^23
e. 18
f. 10
g. 450
h. 1.2