Table 1: Temperature and volume data

Trial Temperature (Celsius) Volume (mL)
Starting Volume Room Temperature =
Hot Water Trial 1 107 5.6ml
Hot Water Trial 2 108.3 5.4ml
Cold Water Trial 1 lo 4.4ml
Cold Water Trial 2 lo 4.4ml

(Insert a graph that you either drew here in Word or built from Excel using the data collected in this section)

Note: On the graph, you are graphing volume on the y axis, temperature on the x axis. Use a line graph - not a bar graph. You should have a linear graph, and if all goes right, you can extrapolate back so that the x axis is crossed at 0 K or -273 C.


1. What happened to the volume of gas when the syringe was submerged in each water bath? Using the concepts discussed above, describe why this occurs, keeping in mind the definition of temperature.
The volume of gas increased when submerged in hot water. As the water temperature increased the gas within the syringe began to rise causing an increase in pressure. When the syringe was submerged in cold water the gases started to fall in pressure.

2. How do you know that pressure is held constant in your experiment?
Because, the temperature of the water was consistent for each test!

3. Using a ruler, draw a straight line of best fit through your data points, extrapolating the line until it intersects the (negative) x-axis. Why can you assume a straight line, i.e., a linear relationship?

4. At what temperature does your line intersect the x-axis? What volume corresponds to this temperature?

5. Would it be possible to cool a real gas down to zero volume? What would most likely happen first?

5. Using a ruler, draw a straight line of best fit through your data points, extrapolating the line until it intersects the (negative) x-axis. Why can you assume a straight line, i.e., a linear relationship?

To answer question 3, you can assume a straight line and a linear relationship because the data points in the table suggest a consistent pattern. Based on the given information, it seems that as the temperature decreases, the volume of gas decreases as well. This linear relationship stems from the ideal gas law, which states that the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature (at constant pressure and amount of gas).

To answer question 4, you can find where the line intersects the x-axis by extrapolating it backwards until it crosses 0 on the x-axis. From the graph, you can see that the line intersects the x-axis at approximately -273 degrees Celsius (or 0 Kelvin). This is significant because -273 degrees Celsius (or 0 Kelvin) is known as absolute zero, the lowest possible temperature.

To answer question 5, it is not possible to cool a real gas down to zero volume. According to the ideal gas law, as you decrease the temperature of a gas, its volume decreases as well. However, at extremely low temperatures, gases tend to condense into liquids or solidify into solids before reaching zero volume. This behavior is governed by the concepts of absolute zero and phase changes. So, most likely, the gas would undergo a phase change before reaching zero volume.

3. You can assume a straight-line relationship because the volume of gas is directly proportional to the temperature according to the gas laws. As the temperature increases, the volume increases and vice versa. Therefore, a linear relationship is expected between temperature and volume.

4. The line intersects the x-axis at -273 degrees Celsius, which corresponds to 0 Kelvin (absolute zero). At this temperature, the volume of the gas would theoretically be zero.

5. It is not possible to cool a real gas down to zero volume. As the temperature approaches absolute zero, the gas will undergo a phase transition into a liquid or solid state before reaching zero volume. This is known as condensation or solidification, depending on the substance.