A checkerboard measures 144 square inches. What is the length of a small square on its side? Hint: It has 8 squares per edge.

To find the length of a small square on one side of the checkerboard, we can divide the total area of the checkerboard by the number of squares on one side.

The checkerboard has 8 squares per edge. Since there are 8 squares per edge, this means that there are a total of 8 x 8 = 64 squares on the checkerboard.

Given that the total area of the checkerboard is 144 square inches, we can divide the area by the number of squares to find the area of one small square.

144 square inches divided by 64 squares equals 2.25 square inches per square.

Now, to find the length of a small square on one side, we need to calculate the square root of the area of one small square.

Taking the square root of 2.25 square inches gives us 1.5 inches.

Therefore, the length of a small square on one side of the checkerboard is 1.5 inches.

The board measures 12 inches on each side.

12/8 = 1 1/2 inches