An unintended consequence of World War II was the creation of the nation of Israel in order to

A. Provide a buffer zone between the West and Communist East.
B. Establish a Jewish homeland.
C. Create a refuge for Germans who lost their homes during World War II.
D. Give Great Britain another colony.
I think it is C.


Please read your text!

I think if they lived in israel they would speak jewish so then it might be answer B.

Yes, Israel was established to create a homeland for the remaining Jews after the Holocaust. Their language is Hebrew, not "Jewish."

thank you

You're welcome.

I have become far too old.

why do you say that lol

No one my age would ask that question. Even if not Jewish, the Holocaust and its aftermath are seared into our memories.

The answer is actually B. Establish a Jewish homeland.

To arrive at this answer, you can use your knowledge of history or conduct additional research. Here is some information to consider when reasoning through this question:

During World War II, many Jewish people were fleeing persecution in Europe, particularly from Nazi Germany. The Zionist movement, which advocated for the establishment of a Jewish homeland, gained momentum during this time. The British government issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917, expressing support for the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. The horrors of the Holocaust further intensified the international sentiment for granting Jews a homeland. After the war, the United Nations approved the partition plan in 1947, leading to the creation of the State of Israel in 1948.

Therefore, option B, to establish a Jewish homeland, best explains the unintended consequence of World War II in the creation of the nation of Israel.