I can't get the right answer on this question. The answer is 1/9.


(x^0 + 2y^0/x^0-2y^0)^-2

(Damon can you please explain this one to me)

Nevermind I figured it out. Thanks though

Ok, yes, secret is anything to the 0 power is one.

i really need help with writing linear equations to fit data. Can you help me?

To solve this expression, we can simplify it step by step.

Step 1: Simplify the expression within the parentheses.
Since any number (except 0) raised to the power of 0 is equal to 1, we can simplify the expression as follows:
(x^0 + 2y^0/x^0 - 2y^0)^-2
= (1 + 2(1) / 1 - 2(1))^ -2
= (1 + 2/ (1 - 2))^ -2
= (1 + 2/(-1))^ -2

Step 2: Continue simplifying the expression inside the parentheses.
Now, we have a fraction within the parentheses. We can simplify it as follows:
(1 + 2/(-1))^ -2
= (1 - 2)^ -2
= (-1)^ -2

Step 3: Simplify the expression with the negative exponent.
An exponent of -2 means we need to take the reciprocal and square it. Therefore:
(-1)^ -2
= (1/ -1)^ 2
= (1/ -1) * (1/ -1)
= 1/ 1
= 1

So, the answer to the expression (x^0 + 2y^0/x^0 - 2y^0)^ -2 is 1.