Thank you. Here are the sentences again for you to check

At the end of the two-year program students should be able to...

1)maximize their use (or upgrade their knowledge) of a wide range of Information and Communication technologies (I want to make it more specific: how do modern students communicate?) as well as of English as a medium of communication
2)facilitate the integration of disadvantages groups, counter under-achievement at school and prevent exclusion by including students belonging to low-income families
3)cooperate with their partner students on a topic of mutual interest.
4)explore different aspects of biodiversity but also become aware of a European cultural, social and economic diversity when sharing and exchanging their experiences (I don’t know how to include the fact that though the topic is scientific it can turn into a more cultural one)

1) demonstrate how to locate and use a wide variety of data by means of modern communication technologies, with English as their common medium of communication.

2) counter under-achievement at school and ensure that students are chosen without regard for prospective students' socio-economic status. <~~This seems more like an objective for the teachers and administrators, not students.

3) cooperate with their partner students on topics of mutual interest.

4) demonstrate awareness of Europe's cultural, social, and economic diversity as they explore different aspects of aquatic biodiversity.

Read the paragraph and answer the question that follows.

Last year our school’s finances were in shambles. Overspending and little control over money has resulted in a situation where there is no money for new books or supplies. School officials are even wondering where they will find the money to pay the heating bills this winter. A local politician, Bill Williams, has been speaking about the recklessness that these school officials demonstrated with the school’s finances. Williams says that the only way to heal the schools financial woes is by taking a Jeffersonian approach to spending. With that, he believes, the school can return to financial stability within a couple of years. He adds, though, that an outside firm must be brought in to manage any further spending.

What is the historical allusion?

Read the paragraph and answer the question that follows.

Last year our school’s finances were in shambles. Overspending and little control over money has resulted in a situation where there is no money for new books or supplies. School officials are even wondering where they will find the money to pay the heating bills this winter. A local politician, Bill Williams, has been speaking about the recklessness that these school officials demonstrated with the school’s finances. Williams says that the only way to heal the schools financial woes is by taking a Jeffersonian approach to spending. With that, he believes, the school can return to financial stability within a couple of years. He adds, though, that an outside firm must be brought in to manage any further spending.

What is the historical allusion?

bill williams

To make the sentence more specific and address how modern students communicate, you can modify it as follows:

"1) maximize their use of a wide range of Information and Communication technologies, such as social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), online collaboration tools (e.g., Google Docs, Slack), and video conferencing applications (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams), to foster effective communication and collaboration with their peers, while also upgrading their knowledge in using English as a medium of communication."

To include the fact that the topic of biodiversity can also turn into a more cultural one, you can modify the sentence as follows:

"4) explore the scientific aspects of biodiversity, while also delving into its cultural, social, and economic dimensions by sharing and exchanging experiences with partner students from different European countries. This will allow them to gain a comprehensive understanding of the diverse ecological and cultural landscapes across Europe."