I need to improve the objectives I wrote for my Comenius project. Can you please help me? They must be persuasive.

1)to increase the students’ general knowledge and understanding of concepts, procedures and attitudes by involving them actively and cooperatively in all the phases of the project, including the planning, organization and evaluation of the activities.
2)to increase students’ awareness on local biodiversity issues
3)to monitor and protect endangered aquatic species, as well as their habitats
4)to collect scientific data to be used in future management plans and species protection and recovery
5)to provide students with the knowledge and skills to solve problems and understand and appreciate other points of view

I need to improve the objectives I wrote for my Comenius project. Can you please help me? They must be persuasive. I don't know why objectives need to be persuasive. Stated goals and objectives (the steps to be taken to reach those goals) are just that -- and they are usually stated in as technically correct language as possible.


1) to increase the students’ general knowledge and understanding of concepts, procedures, and attitudes by involving them actively as individuals and in groups in all phases of the project, including the planning, organization, and evaluation of the activities.

2) to increase students’ awareness and knowledge of local biodiversity issues.

3) to monitor and protect endangered aquatic species, as well as their habitats.

4) to collect scientific data to be used in drafting and perfecting management plans, as well as species protection and recovery.

5) to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to solve problems and understand and appreciate other people's points of view.

Another thing you could do is to revise all of them from a student's point of view:

By the end of the two-year project, students will be able to ...

1) demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of concepts, procedures, and attitudes as a result of working actively as individuals and in groups in all phases of the aquatic biodiversity project, including the planning, organization, and evaluation of the activities.

2) state and explain the importance of having awareness and knowledge of local biodiversity issues.

3) to show how to monitor and protect endangered aquatic species, as well as their habitats.

4) to collect scientific data to be used in drafting and perfecting management plans, as well as species protection and recovery.

5) to demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed to solve problems, as well as understand and appreciate other people's points of view.

Omit the word "to" at the beginning of 3, 4, and 5 of the second set of objectives (the wording in bold).

Certainly! I can help you improve your objectives for your Comenius project to make them more persuasive. Here are some suggestions:

1) To engage and empower students in all aspects of the project, including planning, organizing, and evaluating activities, to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of concepts, procedures, and attitudes.

2) To cultivate students' environmental consciousness by raising their awareness about local biodiversity issues and promoting active involvement in its conservation.

3) To actively contribute to the preservation and restoration of endangered aquatic species and their habitats through monitoring and implementing appropriate conservation strategies.

4) To compile scientifically sound data that can be utilized in future management plans aimed at the protection and recovery of species, ensuring their long-term viability.

5) To equip students with critical thinking skills and the ability to solve complex problems, while fostering empathy and cultivating an understanding and appreciation of diverse perspectives.

Remember, when writing persuasive objectives, it's essential to use strong action words, clearly define the expected outcomes, and emphasize the benefits to the students and the broader community.