Find all roots of 169/81

A.13,16,9 B.13/9-13/9
C.16,9 D.16/9-16/9

13/9 and -13/9

To find the roots of the fraction 169/81, we need to solve the equation x^2 = 169/81.

To solve this equation, we can take the square root of both sides:

√(x^2) = √(169/81)

Simplifying, we have:

x = ± √(169/81)

Now, let's calculate the square root of 169/81:

√(169/81) = √169 / √81 = 13 / 9

So the roots of the fraction 169/81 are ± (13/9).

Comparing the options, we can see that the correct answer is:

B. 13/9 and -13/9.