between which w consecutive numbers would you find the square root of 82

9 and 10

Two consective number of square root of 3

To find between which consecutive numbers you would find the square root of 82, you need to determine the whole numbers that are closest to the square root of 82. Here's how you can do that:

1. Start by finding the square root of 82. You can use a calculator or a math library in a programming language to get the exact value, which is approximately 9.055...
- The square root of 82 is between 9 and 10.

2. Square both 9 and 10 to check which one is closer to 82:
- 9^2 = 81
- 10^2 = 100

3. As you can see, 9^2 is less than 82, while 10^2 is greater than 82.

Therefore, the square root of 82 is between the consecutive numbers 9 and 10.