What will happen to human red blood cells (crenate, lyse, or no change) if they are placed in the following solutions?

20% NaCl solution

20%NaCl sollution is the hypertonic sollution if we keep our redblood cells in this sollution means the water present in the rbc will come outside through the plasmamembrane of rbc and finally the rbc(flacid cell)may dye and this process is called plasmolysis.

When red blood cells are placed in a 20% NaCl (sodium chloride) solution, they will undergo a process called crenation.

Crenation is the shrinking or shriveling of red blood cells due to water loss. In this case, the 20% NaCl solution, commonly known as hypertonic solution, has a higher concentration of salts (NaCl) compared to the inside of the red blood cells. As a result, water from inside the cells will move outwards through a process called osmosis, trying to equalize the concentration of solutes between the solution and the cells. The loss of water makes the cells dehydrated and causes them to shrink, resulting in crenation.