Could you please tell me if everything is OK? Thank you. I had to include the linguistic objectives of the project as well as the methods we are going to employ.

Linguistic objectives
1)To provide students with the necessary linguistic structures to operate in a global work/study environment by introducing a mainstream GE (General English) course with the addition of lexical and skills syllabus ... towards biology
2)To enable students to explain, interpret, exchange and finally compare the results of their experiments in English both in its written and oral form.
3)To enable students to write reports about the results of their findings
Task organization and information distribution
4) The various tasks will be divided into as many parts as the members of the groups of students involved

Linguistic objectives

1) To provide students with the necessary linguistic structures in English to operate in a global work/study environment by introducing a mainstream General English (GE) course with the addition of lexical and skills syllabus tailored to use in biological subjects.
I'm not sure what you mean by the underlined section.

2) To enable students to explain, interpret, exchange, and finally compare the results of their experiments in English both in its written and oral forms.

3) To enable students to write reports about the results of their findings,
methods, task organization, and information distribution.

4) The various tasks will be divided into as many parts as there are groups of students.

Based on the information provided, it seems like you are asking if the linguistic objectives and methods for a project are appropriate. Here is an evaluation based on the information you provided:

Linguistic Objectives:
1) To provide students with the necessary linguistic structures to operate in a global work/study environment by introducing a mainstream GE (General English) course with the addition of lexical and skills syllabus ... towards biology.

This objective seems appropriate as it aims to equip students with the language skills necessary to function effectively in a global work or study environment. It suggests incorporating a General English (GE) course with a focus on vocabulary and skills related to biology, which could be valuable for students interested in the field.

2) To enable students to explain, interpret, exchange and finally compare the results of their experiments in English both in its written and oral form.

This objective is also relevant as it emphasizes the development of students' ability to communicate scientific findings in English. It focuses on both written and oral proficiency, which is important for effective scientific communication.

3) To enable students to write reports about the results of their findings.

This objective aligns with the previous objective and reflects the need for students to develop written communication skills specifically for scientific reports. Writing reports is a common requirement in scientific research, so this objective is appropriate.

Task organization and information distribution.

The provided method is not fully described, so it is difficult to evaluate its appropriateness. However, dividing tasks into parts based on the number of students in each group seems reasonable as it promotes collaboration and equal participation among group members. It could also enhance task organization and information distribution.

Overall, the linguistic objectives presented appear to be relevant and well-aligned with developing students' language skills for a global work/study environment and scientific communication. The suggested method of task organization and information distribution seems reasonable, but additional details would be helpful for a more thorough evaluation.