In 1700, which of the following colonies had the largest slave population relative to its overall population

What are the "following" colonies?

LOL , well I place my bets on Virginia if in USA not West Indies (too early for the ones on the river or the cotton agriculture expansion further south in South Carolina). That is just a guess though without really knowing what the question is.

To find out which of the following colonies had the largest slave population relative to its overall population in 1700, you would need to compare the number of slaves in each colony with the total population of each colony. However, since you did not list the colonies you are referring to, I cannot provide a specific answer.

To determine the colony with the largest slave population relative to its overall population, you would need to gather data on the number of slaves and the total population for each colony in 1700. This data can be found in historical records, books, or online resources that focus on colonial history.

Once you have obtained the necessary data, you would calculate the ratio of the slave population to the total population for each colony. The colony with the highest ratio would have had the largest slave population relative to its overall population in 1700.

It's important to note that discussing the population of enslaved people is a sensitive and historically significant topic. Understanding the nuance and context behind these numbers is crucial to appreciate the true impact of slavery in colonial America.