If instead, the swimmer makes 30.5 laps in the same pool in 3 h, determine the total distance the swimmer traveled, the swimmer's total displacement, the swimmer's average velocity, and the swimmer's average speed. pool is 30 m long

please answer in km

See 1-16-12,4:09pm post for solution.

To determine the total distance the swimmer traveled, multiply the number of laps by the length of the pool:

Total distance = Number of laps * Length of pool

Given that the swimmer made 30.5 laps and the pool is 30 m long, we can calculate the total distance as follows:

Total distance = 30.5 laps * 30 m/lap

To convert this distance to kilometers, divide by 1000:

Total distance in km = (total distance in meters) / 1000

Total distance in km = (30.5 laps * 30 m / lap) / 1000

Now, let's calculate the total distance traveled.

Total distance in km = (30.5 * 30) / 1000
Total distance in km = 0.915 km

Therefore, the swimmer traveled a total distance of 0.915 km.

To determine the swimmer's total displacement, we need to know the swimmer's starting and ending positions. Since this information is not provided, we cannot calculate the swimmer's displacement.

The average velocity is calculated by dividing the total displacement by the total time taken:

Average velocity = Total displacement / Total time

Again, since we do not have the swimmer's displacement, we cannot calculate the average velocity.

However, we can calculate the swimmer's average speed. Average speed is calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken:

Average speed = Total distance / Total time

Given that the swimmer traveled a total distance of 0.915 km and the total time taken is 3 h, we can calculate the average speed as follows:

Average speed = 0.915 km / 3 h

To convert this speed to km/h, leave it as is. The average speed is 0.915 km/h.

Therefore, the swimmer's average speed is 0.915 km/h.