Montel spends $0.75 every time he plays his favorite video game. Montel has $10. write and solve an inequality that shows how many times Montel can play the video game.

0.75x < 10

thank u. i have another question:

write an inequality that can be solved using the Division Property of Inequality, where the symbol is NOT reversed.

Let's assume the number of times Montel can play his favorite video game is represented by the variable "x".

Since Montel spends $0.75 every time he plays the game, the total amount of money he spends after playing "x" times would be 0.75x.

We are given that Montel has $10, so we can set up the inequality as follows:

0.75x ≤ 10

To solve for "x", we divide both sides of the inequality by 0.75:

x ≤ 10 / 0.75

Simplifying, we get:

x ≤ 13.33

Therefore, Montel can play his favorite video game a maximum of 13 times.

To find out how many times Montel can play his favorite video game, we need to write and solve an inequality.

Let's assume Montel can play the video game "x" times. Since Montel spends $0.75 each time he plays, the amount he spends on playing the game "x" times is given by the product of $0.75 and "x", which can be represented as 0.75x.

We know that Montel has $10. So the inequality can be written as:

0.75x ≤ 10

To solve this inequality, we need to isolate the variable "x". We can do this by dividing both sides of the inequality by 0.75:

0.75x/0.75 ≤ 10/0.75

Simplifying, we get:

x ≤ 13.33...

Since x represents the number of times Montel can play the video game, Montel cannot play a fraction of times. Therefore, the number of times Montel can play the video game is less than or equal to 13 (x ≤ 13).

So, Montel can play his favorite video game 13 times or less with $10.