Could someone please check the answers I have & also help me with a few? Thanks!

1. Nosotros ______ al Departamento Chocó para las ocho.

-habremos llegado.

2. ¿Vosotras ______ cual mesero van a ocupar?

-habréis decidido

3. Sofía y Carlos ______ a Juan Pablo tomar unas fotos para mandar a sus padres.

-habrán convencido

4. El señor García ______ en la comida típica de Colombia que va a ordenar.

-habrá decidido

5. ¿______ tú llegado cuando nosotros tenemos la entrevista?

habré llegado
habrás llegado
habréis llegado
habrán llegado

(I'm not sure on this one! Can anyone help?)

6. El mesero extraordinario no es:


(Not sure on this one either... Help?)
I thought when translated in English it means something like: An extraordinary waiter is not: ? Help? It can also be more then one. Thanks everyone!

I'll email this to SraJMcGin.

Okay! Thank you! :)

You did not state which tense you were to do, but since I see the Future Perfect, that must be it?

5. See the "tú?" That tells which of the 4 forms = habrás llegado.

6. The extraordinary waiter is NOT...
friendly (amigable), motivated (as one meaning) (motivado), respectful (respectuoso), hard-working (trabajador) or professional (profesional)

Frankly, I would say an exceptional waiter would be ALL those adjectives! Are you sure you copied the item correctly?


Okay, thank you so much for helping me with #5 :) & for number 6, I just check & yes, I copied it correctly. I was thinking the same thing! Hmm... I guess I'll just turn it in without selecting any? Thanks again for the help! :)

1. To check the answer for question 1, we need to conjugate the verb "llegar" in the future perfect tense for the subject "nosotros".

The correct conjugation is: habremos llegado.

2. To check the answer for question 2, we need to conjugate the verb "decidir" in the future perfect tense for the subject "vosotras".

The correct conjugation is: habréis decidido.

3. To check the answer for question 3, we need to conjugate the verb "convencer" in the future perfect tense for the subjects "Sofía y Carlos".

The correct conjugation is: habrán convencido.

4. To check the answer for question 4, we need to conjugate the verb "decidir" in the future perfect tense for the subject "El señor García".

The correct conjugation is: habrá decidido.

5. For question 5, we need to choose the correct form of the verb "haber" in the future perfect tense. The correct answer is:

habrás llegado (singular form, referring to "tú").

6. The question is asking for the phrase "An extraordinary waiter is not..." in Spanish. The correct translation would be: "Un mesero extraordinario no es..."

To check the options given, we need to select the characteristics that an extraordinary waiter does not have.

The correct answer is: trabajador (not hardworking) and posibly respetuoso (not respectful).

So, the mesero extraordinario no es trabajador (hardworking) y posiblemente respetuoso (respectful).