Can two verbs be in the same sentence? I get that one is an infinitive, but does that mean every verb can combine with another infinitive? or is there a limit as to only certain verbs can be used together with an infinitive?

For example, is "Je deteste ecouter..."correct? or "Je prefere manger..."

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Of course you can have two verbs in the same sentence. Just be sure you don't have a run-on sentence; that means two conjugated verbs without a conjunction, etc. In your examples: Je déteste écouter / Je préfère manger... these are perfect! In fact, here's an example with 3 verbs: je vais aller écouter des disques! (Note that there is only ONE conjugated verb!)



Yes, two verbs can be in the same sentence in the French language. When two verbs are used together, it is known as a verb phrase or a verb construction. In these cases, one verb is usually conjugated, while the other verb remains in its infinitive form.

In general, the construction of using two verbs together is achievable by using the first verb in its conjugated form and the second verb in its infinitive form. However, not all verbs can be combined with an infinitive in this way. Some verbs require specific prepositions or conjunctions to connect with an infinitive.

In the examples you provided, both "Je déteste écouter..." (I hate listening...) and "Je préfère manger..." (I prefer to eat...) are correct constructions. In these cases, "écouter" (to listen) and "manger" (to eat) are used in their infinitive forms after the conjugated verbs "déteste" (hate) and "préfère" (prefer).

It is important to note that certain verbs may require different prepositions or conjunctions to connect with an infinitive. For example, "essayer de" (to try to), "aimer mieux" (to prefer to), or "commencer à" (to start to) are some common verb constructions in French.

To master the usage of verb constructions, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with common verb patterns and prepositions that accompany infinitives. Regular exposure to the language through reading, listening, and practice can greatly enhance your understanding and usage of these constructions.