Tropical storm Alpha has winds of 50 miles per hour. Write and solve an inequality to find how much the winds need to decrease so that the storm is downgraded to a depression.

Are you using 38 mph for the maximum wind speed in a depression?

Actually Ms.Sue, i'm using 39 mph for the maximum wind speed for the depression


50 - x < 39

thank u. i have another question:

Manatees can weigh up to 1000 pounds and are generally no more than 10 feet long. suppose a manatee is currently 6.25 feet long. write and solve an inequality to find how much longer the manatee could grow.

You're welcome

6.25 + x < 10

To find how much the winds need to decrease so that the storm is downgraded to a depression, we need to compare the wind speed of the tropical storm (50 miles per hour) to the wind speed required for a depression.

Let's assume that a depression is defined as having winds of 39 miles per hour or less.

To write the inequality, we can represent the wind speed required for a depression as "x", and set up the inequality:

50 miles per hour > x miles per hour

Solving for "x", we find:

x ≤ 39 miles per hour

Therefore, for the storm to be downgraded to a depression, the winds must decrease to 39 miles per hour or less.