How do you know what township you are in?

Call your county clerk.

is there a site online that i can find it?

Go to your County website and look for a township map.

To find out what township you are in, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine your location: Use a GPS-enabled device or smartphone to determine your current location. This can be done by opening a mapping app like Google Maps or Apple Maps. Alternatively, you can use a GPS device or even check the location on your car's navigation system.

2. Use an online mapping service: Once you have determined your location, access an online mapping service. Open Google Maps or any other mapping service of your choice.

3. Enter your address or current location: Type in your current address or use the "Locate Me" feature on the mapping service to pinpoint your location accurately.

4. Zoom in and explore: Once your location is marked on the map, zoom in to get a closer view of the area. Depending on your location, you might see labels for various geographical divisions, such as cities, counties, and townships.

5. Identify the township: Look for labels or boundaries indicating townships. They are typically indicated by solid or dashed lines and may be colored differently from other divisions. The label may say "Township," or it might be abbreviated as "Twp" or "T."

6. Get information from local authorities: If the online mapping service does not provide sufficient information about the township, you can contact your local municipal or county government office. They will be able to provide you with accurate information about the specific township you are in.

Remember, the process may vary depending on the mapping service or website you use, but most reliable mapping platforms should provide the necessary information to determine your township.