ms fuller has 2 2/6 pies left over from her party .write the number of pies left over as a fractions greater than 1

14/6 = 7/3

Is it 12/8 ? Actually my daughter is having difficulty on the same exaclly problem.

To write the number of pies left over as a fraction greater than 1, we need to convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.

First, let's convert the whole number part to a fraction by multiplying it by the denominator of the fraction. In this case, the whole number is 2 and the denominator of the fraction is 6. So, 2 multiplied by 6 is 12.

Next, we add the numerator of the fraction to the result of the previous step. The numerator of the fraction is 2. Therefore, 12 + 2 = 14.

The final step is to write the result as an improper fraction. Since the denominator remains the same, the improper fraction is 14/6.

Thus, the number of pies left over as a fraction greater than 1 is 14/6.