Which of the following is true of psychosocially healthy people?

a. They are uncomfortable when put in new social situations.

b. They frequently experience guilt.

c. They value human diversity.

d. They avoid new experiences.

And your answer is?

c. They value human diversity.



To determine which of the options is true of psychosocially healthy people, let's examine each option:

a. They are uncomfortable when put in new social situations:
Psychosocially healthy people are generally comfortable in various social situations, including new ones. They are often open-minded and adaptable, which allows them to feel at ease when meeting new people or navigating new environments. Therefore, option a is not true of psychosocially healthy people.

b. They frequently experience guilt:
Guilt is a common emotion experienced by individuals in certain situations, but frequent guilt does not necessarily indicate psychosocial health. Psychosocially healthy people strive for a balanced emotional state, including managing guilt effectively. Therefore, option b is not necessarily true of psychosocially healthy people.

c. They value human diversity:
Psychosocially healthy people tend to appreciate and value human diversity. They are open to different perspectives, cultures, and ways of life. Embracing and respecting diversity is a characteristic often associated with psychosocial health. Therefore, option c is true of psychosocially healthy people.

d. They avoid new experiences:
Psychosocially healthy individuals are often curious and willing to explore new experiences. They have a desire for personal growth and are motivated to step out of their comfort zones. Avoiding new experiences is not a trait commonly associated with psychosocial health. Therefore, option d is not true of psychosocially healthy people.

In summary, the correct option is c. Psychosocially healthy people value human diversity.