In "A Raisin in the Sun," what does the symbol sunlight and darkness mean?

Sunlight has a number of meanings... hope, possibility, the future. Mama is always commenting on the fact that "her plant" doesn't get enough sun.

Darkness would have the opposite meaning.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here's another thought for you. Sunlight, and sun, are often associated with growth. (Plants grow better with sunlight.) This could mean "a better life." Darkness would be the absence of light, less growth. This could mean a dismal future!

To understand the symbolism of sunlight and darkness in "A Raisin in the Sun," we need to examine the context and themes of the play. The sun and darkness are recurring symbols that represent hope, dreams, and the pursuit of a better life, as well as the obstacles and challenges that can hinder those aspirations.

One way to delve into the symbolism is by closely reading the text and analyzing the use of sunlight and darkness throughout the play. Look for moments when these symbols are explicitly mentioned or implicitly represented.

Additionally, analyzing the characters' attitudes and actions towards sunlight and darkness can offer insights into their beliefs and desires. For example, when characters mention the idea of a "better life," pay attention to the presence or absence of sunlight in those moments to understand how it connects to their hopes and dreams.

Moreover, examining the stage directions and set descriptions provided by the playwright can provide valuable clues to interpret the symbolism. Notice how the lighting and use of shadows are employed to enhance the themes related to sunlight and darkness.

A useful approach to understanding symbolism is to explore the text in the broader context of the author's life and the historical period in which the play was written. In the case of "A Raisin in the Sun," considering Lorraine Hansberry's own experiences as a Black woman in mid-20th century America can shed light on how sunlight and darkness may represent racial inequality, social struggles, and the pursuit of equality.

By thoroughly analyzing the text, characters' attitudes, stage directions, historical context, and the author's life, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the symbolism of sunlight and darkness in "A Raisin in the Sun."