Which is the correct verbal usage of the following sentence?

I let it there while I stood and applauded or I left it there while I stood and applauded?

left (not let)

The correct verbal usage of the sentence would be "I left it there while I stood and applauded."

To determine the correct verb, we need to understand the difference between "let" and "leave."

1. "Let" is used when you give someone permission to do something or allow something to happen. For example, "I let my friend borrow my car."
2. "Leave" is used when you abandon, move away from, or depart from a place or object. For example, "I left my keys on the table."

In the given sentence, the action being described is leaving the object (it) in a certain location. Therefore, the correct verb to use here is "left," indicating the action of leaving something behind as you stood and applauded.

So, the correct verbal usage is "I left it there while I stood and applauded."