In September the ratio of the amount Ray spent and the amount he saved was 4:1. In October, he got a salary raise. He in creased his spending by 25% but saved the same amount. Find the new ratio.

Look at the ratio. He now saves $1 for every $5.

His new salary is 1.25 as much, so where he earned $5, he now earns 5*1.25 = $6.25

Now he saves $1 for every $6.25, so the ratio is 5.25:1 or 21:4

To find the new ratio, we first need to calculate the new amounts Ray spent and saved in October.

Let's assume Ray spent $x in September. According to the given ratio, the amount he saved would be 1/4 of $x, which is $x/4.

In October, Ray increased his spending by 25%. So his new spending would be 125% of $x, which is 1.25*$x.

However, we know that Ray saved the same amount in October as he did in September, which is $x/4.

Now, we can calculate the new ratio by dividing the new spending by the new savings. Therefore, the new ratio is:

(1.25*$x) / ($x/4)

Simplifying this expression:

(5/4) * $x / ($x/4)

The $x in the numerator and the denominator will cancel each other out, leaving us with:


Thus, the new ratio is 5:4.