I need to replace the ants in the sentence below with possessive pronouns. The sentence is: Ants are very strong for ants' size and can carry 25 times ants' weight. Should ants' size and ants' weight be replaced by the word their or its?


Their is plural and refers to the plural antecedent, ants.

To replace "ants' size" and "ants' weight" with possessive pronouns, you can use either "their" or "its." The choice between these two options depends on whether you are referring to multiple ants or a single ant.

If you want to emphasize that multiple ants possess the size and weight, you should use "their." The revised sentence will be:

Ants are very strong for their size and can carry 25 times their weight.

On the other hand, if you want to emphasize that each ant possesses its own size and weight, you should use "its." The revised sentence will be:

Ants are very strong for their size and can carry 25 times its weight.

Both versions are grammatically correct, so you can choose the one that best suits the intended meaning of your sentence.