what is the energy transformation when a cart is pushed and rolls along a smoothfloor it hits a rough patch on the floor and slows down. it then falls off a set of staris hits the ground and stops

When a cart is pushed and rolls along a smooth floor, there are several energy transformations taking place.

1. Kinetic Energy to Potential Energy: Initially, when the cart is pushed, the energy transformation occurs from the muscle energy of the person pushing the cart to the kinetic energy of the cart. This energy is transferred to the wheels, causing them to rotate, and the cart gains kinetic energy.

2. Rolling Friction: As the cart rolls along the smooth floor, some of its kinetic energy is transformed into other forms of energy, primarily due to rolling friction. Rolling friction is the resistance between the cart's wheels and the surface it's rolling on. This friction converts kinetic energy into thermal energy, resulting in a slight decrease in the cart's speed.

3. Kinetic Energy to Potential Energy: When the cart hits a rough patch on the floor, the wheels encounter increased friction, which further reduces the cart's kinetic energy. As the cart slows down, some of its kinetic energy is transformed into potential energy. This happens because the cart is being lifted by the uneven surface, gaining height and thus potential energy.

4. Potential Energy to Kinetic Energy: When the cart falls off a set of stairs, its potential energy is converted back to kinetic energy as it accelerates downward due to gravity. The cart gains speed, and its potential energy decreases while its kinetic energy increases.

5. Energy Dissipation: Finally, when the cart hits the ground, the kinetic energy is transferred to the ground, causing deformation and generating sound energy and some thermal energy. The cart comes to a stop as a result of this energy dissipation.

It is important to note that energy is always conserved in these transformations. The initial energy provided to the cart by pushing it converts into different forms of energy along its journey. The specific calculations and magnitudes of these energy transformations can be calculated using principles of physics, such as work-energy theorem and conservation of energy equations, along with the known properties of the cart and the environment it interacts with.