The trend toward two-family income has led to

A. policies allowing only one family member to work for a company.
B. flexible work schedules, pregnancy benefits, and elder-care programs.
C. businesses paying lower wages and hiring fewer workers.
D. fewer opportunities in the field of human resource management.

my answer is B

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To confirm the correct answer, let's break down the question and look at each option:

A. Policies allowing only one family member to work for a company: The question states that the trend is toward two-family income, which means both partners in a family are working. Therefore, it is unlikely that this trend would lead to policies restricting the number of family members working for a company. Thus, option A is not the correct answer.

B. Flexible work schedules, pregnancy benefits, and elder-care programs: This option seems plausible because as more families have two working partners, there is a greater need for flexible work arrangements to accommodate their schedules. Additionally, companies may provide benefits like pregnancy leave and elder-care programs to support their employees. Hence, option B is likely the correct answer.

C. Businesses paying lower wages and hiring fewer workers: While it is true that companies may potentially hire fewer workers due to increased workforce participation, there is no direct correlation between the two-family income trend and lower wages. So, option C is less likely to be the correct answer.

D. Fewer opportunities in the field of human resource management: The question does not mention anything about opportunities in the field of human resource management, so this option is unrelated. Thus, option D is unlikely to be the correct answer.

By analyzing the options and considering the question's context, it is reasonable to conclude that option B, which includes flexible work schedules, pregnancy benefits, and elder-care programs, is the most appropriate answer.