Chicago, Illinois has a longitude of 88 degrees West and a latitude of 42 degrees North. Indianapolis, Indiana is located at 86 degrees West and 40 degrees North. At this longitude/latitude, each degree is about 53 miles. What is the distance between Chicago and Indianapolis.

If we make the "invalid" assumption that the triangle formed is flat, then we have a right-angled triangle with sides 2 and 2.

Let x be the hypotenuse of our triangle
x^2 = 2^2+2^2 = 8
x =√8 units on our grid

distance =53√8 or appr 149.9 miles



To find the distance between Chicago and Indianapolis, we can use the formula for calculating the distance between two points on the Earth's surface using their latitude and longitude known as the Haversine formula. However, since both Chicago and Indianapolis lie on the same latitude line (40 degrees North), we can calculate the distance between them by simply multiplying the difference in their longitudes by the distance per degree.

The longitude of Chicago is 88 degrees West, and the longitude of Indianapolis is 86 degrees West. So, the difference in longitude between the two cities is 88 - 86 = 2 degrees.

We are given that each degree of longitude at this latitude is approximately 53 miles. Therefore, we can calculate the distance between Chicago and Indianapolis by multiplying the difference in longitude by the distance per degree.

Distance = Difference in longitude * Distance per degree
Distance = 2 degrees * 53 miles per degree
Distance = 106 miles

So, the distance between Chicago, Illinois and Indianapolis, Indiana is approximately 106 miles.