Vietnam had been a colony controlled by what nation prior to World War II?

I say France

You're on a roll! Right again!

tracy, you are VERY good at this.

Yes, you are correct. Vietnam was a colony controlled by France prior to World War II.

To find the answer to this question, you could start by researching the history of Vietnam during the colonial period. One way is to search for reliable sources such as history books, academic articles, or reputable websites. These materials usually provide a comprehensive overview of the topic and can give you detailed information about Vietnam's colonial history.

Additionally, you can consult historical documents, primary sources, or official records that specifically mention the colonial control of Vietnam. This could include official agreements, treaties, or government correspondence between Vietnam and the colonizing nation.

By gathering information from reliable sources and conducting research on Vietnam's history, you can confidently determine that Vietnam was indeed a French colony prior to World War II.