Which system of government rests furthest left on the political spectrum and, as a totalitarian regime, focuses on the government owning all aspects of the economy, including property and the means of production?


Communism :P

The system of government that is furthest left on the political spectrum and focuses on the government owning all aspects of the economy, including property and the means of production, is known as communism. Here's how you can reach this conclusion:

Step 1: Understand the Political Spectrum
The political spectrum is a way to classify different political ideologies based on their views on government control and economic systems. It ranges from left to right, with left-leaning ideologies advocating more government control and right-leaning ideologies favoring less government control. On the far left of the spectrum, you find ideologies such as communism.

Step 2: Identify Economic Control
In the political spectrum, the issue of economic control is vital. Communism is an ideology that advocates for a classless society, where the means of production are owned collectively by the community or the state. This implies that all aspects of the economy, including property, resources, and the means of production, are under the control of the government.

Step 3: Identify Government Control
In addition to economic control, totalitarianism is a key aspect of the government system you are referring to. Totalitarian regimes, regardless of their position on the political spectrum, exercise complete control over political, social, and economic aspects of society. However, in this case, combining totalitarianism with government ownership of all aspects of the economy aligns more closely with the communist ideology.

Therefore, the system of government that matches your description is communism, which is situated furthest to the left on the political spectrum.