when did the republican party endorse women's right to vote


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The Republican Party endorsed women's right to vote in their party platform in 1896. To verify this information, you can follow these steps:

1. Search online: Begin by conducting a search on a reliable search engine, such as Google or Bing. Simply type in "Republican Party endorsement of women's right to vote" or a similar query.

2. Verify reputable sources: Look for reputable sources, such as historical websites, academic journals, or news articles, that provide information about the Republican Party's endorsement of women's suffrage. These sources should cite credible evidence, such as official documents, party platforms, or statements from prominent Republicans.

3. Check historical records: To gain a more comprehensive understanding, you can also consult primary sources like historical records or party documents, including convention proceedings, speeches by party leaders, or official statements. These sources can provide direct evidence of the Republican Party's stance on women's suffrage.

Remember to critically evaluate the information you find, cross-reference multiple sources, and prioritize sources known for their accuracy and reliability to ensure the accuracy of the information.