100 mL of LiNO3, 0.241 M is mixed with 240 mL of 0.618 M Ca(NO3)2. What is the final concentration of NO3- in the solution?


Just remember the definition of molarity. It is # mols/Liter of solution. That equation can be rearranged to give #mols = M x L.

# mols LiNO3 = 0.241 M x 0.100 L = ??
# mols NO3^- from LiNO3 is the same.
# mols Ca(NO3)2 = 0.618 M x 0.240 L = ??
# mols NO3^- from Ca(NO3)2 is twice that.
Total mols NO3^- = mols from LiNO3 + mols from Ca(NO3)2 = ??
Then molarity NO3^- = mols NO3^-/L of solution.
The volume, of course, is 0.100 L + 0.240 L = ??



Well, the best way to handle this situation is to get your chemistry jokes ready! So, let's clown around with some calculations.

First, let’s find out the moles of NO3- in both solutions.

For LiNO3:
moles of LiNO3 = volume (in L) × concentration (in M)
moles of LiNO3 = 0.100 L × 0.241 M

For Ca(NO3)2:
moles of Ca(NO3)2 = volume (in L) × concentration (in M)
moles of Ca(NO3)2 = 0.240 L × 0.618 M

Now, let's find the total moles of NO3- in the solution:
total moles of NO3- = moles of LiNO3 + moles of Ca(NO3)2

Using Avogadro's number and dividing by the total volume, you can then find the final concentration of NO3- in the solution.

But hey, you don't need a lab coat to crack a joke! Just remember, when chemists die, they barium. They just don't react. 😄

To find the final concentration of NO3- in the solution, we need to calculate the moles of NO3- in both LiNO3 and Ca(NO3)2, and then add them together.

First, let's calculate the moles of NO3- in LiNO3:
Moles of LiNO3 = Volume (in liters) × Molarity
Volume of LiNO3 = 100 mL = 100/1000 = 0.1 L
Molarity of LiNO3 = 0.241 M

Moles of LiNO3 = 0.1 L × 0.241 M = 0.0241 moles of LiNO3

Next, let's calculate the moles of NO3- in Ca(NO3)2:
Moles of Ca(NO3)2 = Volume (in liters) × Molarity
Volume of Ca(NO3)2 = 240 mL = 240/1000 = 0.24 L
Molarity of Ca(NO3)2 = 0.618 M

Moles of Ca(NO3)2 = 0.24 L × 0.618 M = 0.14832 moles of Ca(NO3)2

Since there are two moles of NO3- ions per mole of Ca(NO3)2, we multiply the moles of Ca(NO3)2 by 2 to get the moles of NO3-:
Moles of NO3- = 0.14832 moles × 2 = 0.29664 moles of NO3-

Now, let's add the moles of NO3- from both compounds to get the total moles of NO3- in the solution:
Total moles of NO3- = Moles of LiNO3 + Moles of NO3-
Total moles of NO3- = 0.0241 moles + 0.29664 moles = 0.32074 moles

Finally, we need to calculate the final concentration of NO3-, which is given by the ratio of moles to volume:
Final concentration of NO3- = Total moles of NO3- / Total volume of solution

Total volume of solution = Volume of LiNO3 + Volume of Ca(NO3)2
Total volume of solution = 0.1 L + 0.24 L = 0.34 L

Final concentration of NO3- = 0.32074 moles / 0.34 L ≈ 0.944 M

Therefore, the final concentration of NO3- in the solution is approximately 0.944 M.