Who developed modern periodic table? Descibe particle arrangements & movement for each phase of matter. (Thank you for helping me)

The modern periodic table was developed by Dmitry Mendeleev in 1869. He organized the elements based on their chemical properties and atomic masses, creating a systematic arrangement. Mendeleev's periodic table allowed him to predict the existence and properties of elements that were yet to be discovered at that time.

Now, let's move on to the description of particle arrangements and movements for each phase of matter:

1. Solid Phase:
In a solid, particles are tightly packed together in a regular pattern. These particles can be atoms, ions, or molecules. They have a fixed position and vibrate in place. The movement in solids is limited to oscillations around their equilibrium positions. This limited motion gives solids their definite shape and volume.

2. Liquid Phase:
In a liquid, particles are still closely packed, but they have more freedom of movement compared to solids. The particles are not in a fixed position but can move past each other. They have enough energy to overcome the attractive forces between them, allowing them to flow and take the shape of their container. However, liquids have a definite volume since their particles are still in contact with each other.

3. Gas Phase:
In the gas phase, particles are far apart from each other and move rapidly in random directions. They are not held together by strong attractive forces. Gas particles have high kinetic energy, causing them to move freely and independently. They fill the entire container they are in and have no definite shape or volume.

It's important to note that there is also a fourth phase of matter called plasma. Plasma is a hot ionized gas where particles have a large number of freely moving electrons and positive ions. Plasma is most commonly found in stars and other high-temperature environments.

To summarize, the three main phases of matter are characterized by the arrangement and movement of particles. Solids have particles tightly packed and vibrating in place, liquids have particles that move past each other, and gases have particles that move freely and independently.