The current I in an electrical conductor varies inversely as the resistance r of the conductor. The current is 6 amperes when the resistance is 920 0hms , what is the current when the resistance is 560 ohms

(920/560)* 6 = 9.857 Amperes

To find the current when the resistance is 560 ohms, we can use the inverse variation formula:

I1 * R1 = I2 * R2

Here, I1 is the initial current (6 amperes) when R1 is the initial resistance (920 ohms). We need to find I2 when R2 is 560 ohms.

Plugging in the values into the formula, we have:

6 amperes * 920 ohms = I2 * 560 ohms

Now, let's solve the equation to find I2:

(6 * 920) / 560 = I2

5520 / 560 = I2

I2 ≈ 9.857 amperes

Therefore, the current when the resistance is 560 ohms is approximately 9.857 amperes.