So I have a particle that is moving along the x-axis. I have the acceleration equation, the velocity equation, and the position equation. I need to know what is the first time when t>0 that the particle returns to the origin?

My position function is x(t)=-cost-.5t+1

To find the first time when t>0 that the particle returns to the origin, you need to find the values of t for which the position function x(t) equals zero.

The position function is given as:
x(t) = -cost - 0.5t + 1

To solve for t, let's set x(t) equal to zero and solve for t:
0 = -cost - 0.5t + 1

Rearranging the equation, we get:
cost = -0.5t + 1

Now, to find the values of t for which this equation is satisfied, we can use the inverse trigonometric function cos^(-1) (also written as arccos or acos). Taking the inverse cosine of both sides, we have:
cos^(-1)(cost) = cos^(-1)(-0.5t + 1)

Since we know that cos(cos^(-1)(x)) = x, we can simplify the equation on the right side:
t = -0.5t + 1

Next, we can solve this equation for t. Adding 0.5t to both sides and subtracting 1 from both sides, we get:
1.5t = 1
t = 1/1.5
t = 2/3

Therefore, the first time when t > 0 that the particle returns to the origin is t = 2/3.