i doing my physics work and so i have to convert 0.0023mm to meters and it seem so easy but i not know how. i first convert it to cm, i times by ten then i divide by 100 to give me meters so i get 0.0023m but it suppose to be 2.3*10^5 m

o never mind i get it. i see i not supposed to multiply by 100 i supposed to divide.

Milli means 1,000. Centi means 100. There are 1,000 millimeters in a meter, and there are 100 centimeters in a meter. So to go from mm to m, you need to divide .0023 by 1000.

Your answer would then be 2.3*10^-6

I don't know where that 2.3*10^5 came from, did you write it down wrong?

Milli means 10 cause there be 10 millimeters in 1 cm. only thing i get wrong be that i times 0.0023mm by 10, i supposed to divide to give me cm. then to get cm into meters i divide by 100 cause there be 100 cm in 1 m. then i get 2.3*10^5.

Actually if you divide .0023 by 10 you get 2.3*10^-4. Then if you divide that by 100 you get 2.3*10^-6.

Dividing .0023 by anything would give you a smaller number, and 2.3*10^5 is a very big number. (230,000)

10mm = 1cm
100cm = 1 m
1m = 1,000mm
1m = 1,000km

milli does not mean 10. milli means 1000 so there are 1000 mm in a m

0.0023 m = 2.3E-3mm converted to m = 2.3E-6 m

ok sorry i actually just found that i word it wrong it was not supposed to be 0.0023, it supposed to be 0.023. thanks for helping, i appreciate it :)

To convert millimeters (mm) to meters (m), you need to remember that there are 1,000 millimeters in one meter. Here's how you can convert 0.0023 mm to meters correctly:

Step 1: Convert mm to meters:
0.0023 mm ÷ 1,000 = 0.0000023 m

Step 2: Express the result in scientific notation:
0.0000023 m = 2.3 × 10^(-6) m

So, the correct conversion of 0.0023 mm to meters is 2.3 × 10^(-6) m, not 0.0023 m.

Make sure that when you divide by 1,000, you move the decimal point three places to the left to convert from millimeters to meters.