factor 80x5th power -360x3rd power + 405x

80x^5 - 360x^3 + 405x

5x(80x^4 - 72x^2 + 81)
in parentheses is just a quadratic in x^2, so
x^2 = (9 ± 16i)/20
Now, just take the square roots of those complex numbers to get your other factors :-)

Sure there's no typo there?

Oops 80/5 = 16. Makes a big difference

5x(16x^4 - 72x^2 + 81)
5x(4x^2 - 9)^2


sorry that answer was wrong tis is the right one 3x(43+82/3)*(879/615=y78)

To factor the expression 80x^5 - 360x^3 + 405x, we can look for the greatest common factor (GCF) and then use the factoring techniques like factoring by grouping.

Step 1: Find the GCF
The common factor among the terms is x, so we can factor out x from each term:
x(80x^4 - 360x^2 + 405)

Step 2: Factor the expression in parentheses
Now we focus on factoring the expression inside the parentheses: 80x^4 - 360x^2 + 405.

We can first look for a common factor among all the terms, but in this case, there is no common factor other than 1.

Next, we can try to see if it is a perfect square trinomial. However, if we square any term, such as (4x)^2, we get 16x^2, which is not equal to 80x^4. So it is not a perfect square trinomial.

Now, we move on to factoring by grouping:

Step 3: Factoring by grouping
Let's group the terms and factor them separately:

80x^4 - 360x^2 + 405
= (80x^4 - 160x^2) + (-200x^2 + 405)

Now, let's factor out the common factors from each group:

= 80x^2(x^2 - 2) - 200(x^2 - 2)

Notice that we have a common binomial factor in both terms, namely (x^2 - 2). Let's factor it out:

= (x^2 - 2)(80x^2 - 200)

Step 4: Simplify further if possible
If desired, we can simplify this expression further:

= (x^2 - 2)(4x^2 - 10)
= (x^2 - 2)(2x^2 - 5)

So, the factored form of the expression 80x^5 - 360x^3 + 405x is (x^2 - 2)(2x^2 - 5).