How do you solve 5+2c/4=14

Multiply both sides by 4, then combine like terms. Then divide both sides by 2.

I was told to multiply both sides by 4, then combine like terms. Then divide both sides by 2 for 5+2c/4=14, but I am still confused can someone show me how this is done? I am bad with fractions.


Multiply both sides by 4

5 + 2c = 56

then combine like terms

2c + 5 - 5 = 56 - 5

2c = 51

Then divide both sides by 2.

c = 51/2

c = 25.5

I(220-a-r)+r I=.5 a=45 r=85

To solve the equation 5+2c/4=14, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by subtracting 5 from both sides of the equation to isolate the term with the variable:
5 + 2c/4 - 5 = 14 - 5
2c/4 = 9

2. Simplify the left side of the equation by dividing 2c by 4:
c/2 = 9

3. To solve for c, multiply both sides of the equation by 2:
2 * c/2 = 2 * 9
c = 18

Therefore, the solution to the equation 5+2c/4=14 is c = 18.