1. Identify three peace efforts of the late 1880s and early 1900s.

2. Describe how each of the following served to inflame tensions in Europe:(a) nationalism, (b) imperial rivalries (c) militarism.

3. (A) Why did European nations form alliances?

(B) How did alliances increase fears of war?

1. To identify three peace efforts of the late 1880s and early 1900s, one can take the following steps:

Step 1: Conduct a preliminary search:
Start by conducting a preliminary search online or in textbooks specifically focusing on the late 1880s and early 1900s. Look for keywords such as "peace efforts" or "diplomatic initiatives" during that time period.

Step 2: Narrow down the results:
Narrow down the search results by filtering for the specific time period mentioned. This will help in getting more accurate and relevant information.

Step 3: Analyze the findings:
Review the search results and identify three peace efforts that were made during the late 1880s and early 1900s. Examples of peace efforts during this time period include:

- The 1889-1890 Pan-American Conference held in Washington, D.C., where 17 countries came together to promote peace and cooperation in the Americas.
- The Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907, organized by the Russian Tsar Nicholas II. These conferences aimed to establish international agreements on disarmament and the peaceful resolution of conflicts.
- The Anglo-German Treaty of 1904, also known as the Entente Cordiale, which eased tensions between Britain and Germany and paved the way for future diplomatic relations.

2. To describe how nationalism, imperial rivalries, and militarism inflamed tensions in Europe, follow these steps:

(a) Nationalism:
- Start by defining nationalism, which is the belief in the supremacy and well-being of one's own nation.
- Discuss how nationalism led to a sense of superiority and competition among nations, which increased tensions and grievances.
- Describe how the desire for self-determination and the creation of ethnically homogeneous nations often clashed with existing borders and ethnic diversity, leading to conflicts and territorial disputes.

(b) Imperial rivalries:
- Begin by defining imperial rivalries, which refer to the competition among European powers for colonies and territories around the world.
- Explain how the scramble for colonies created tensions and rivalries between European nations, especially as they competed for resources, markets, and strategic advantages.
- Highlight specific examples, such as the tensions between Britain and Germany over colonial possessions in Africa or the conflict between Austria-Hungary and Russia in the Balkans.

(c) Militarism:
- Introduce militarism as the glorification of military power and the belief in the importance of a strong military.
- Discuss how militarism contributed to an arms race among European powers, where each country sought to outdo its rivals in terms of military capabilities.
- Explain how this arms race increased tensions and created a sense of insecurity as nations feared being outmatched by their rivals.

3. To answer the questions about European alliances, follow these steps:

(A) Why did European nations form alliances?
- Start by explaining that European nations formed alliances as a way to enhance their security and protect their interests.
- Mention the rise of hostile rivalries and conflicts, which prompted nations to seek allies for mutual defense against potential adversaries.
- Discuss how alliances were seen as a way to deter aggression and create a balance of power among nations.

(B) How did alliances increase fears of war?
- Explain that while alliances were designed to deter potential attackers, they also created a sense of mutual insecurity and fear among nations.
- Describe how the complex system of alliances formed intricate webs of obligations, wherein an attack on one nation could quickly lead to a broader conflict involving multiple alliances.
- Discuss how these entangled alliances made it more likely for a localized conflict to escalate into a full-scale war, as nations felt obliged to honor their alliance commitments.

By following these steps, one can easily identify the three peace efforts, describe the impact of nationalism, imperial rivalries, and militarism, and explain the reasons for forming alliances and how they increased fears of war in Europe.

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