8.Which point in the Virginia Plan was objected to by supporters of the New Jersey Plan?

A. Larger states should have more representatvies in Congress
B. Congress requires greater power
C. The government needs an executive branch
D. The government needs a legislative branch

9.Which of the following does NOT describe the Great Compromise?
A. equal representation in the Senate
B. representation based on population in the House of Representatives
C. a Congress made up of two houses
D. enslaved people counted in state populations

10. What was the outcome of the Constitutional Convention?
A. Compromises were proposed.
B. The Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation
C. The Articles of Confederation were amended.
D. Trade with Europe was established.

11. Which of the following goals is stated in the Preamble to the Constitution?
A. to protect the people's liberty
B. to provide equality for all
C. to protect the people's health
D. to provide an education for all

12. Which of the following is NOT a major goal of the Constitution?
A. to defend the nation
B. to control all laws in the states
C. to ensure peace
D. to establish justice

13. Which of the following BEST describes the Bill Of Rights?
A. list of men who signed the Constitution
B. list of rights and wrongs as spelled out in the Constitution
C. ten Constitutional amendments specifying freedoms
D. list of laws governed by each state

11 and 12 I think is


You're only half right.

10, 12, and 13 are correct.


I don't know about 11 cause when I search what are the goals stated in the Preamble it says
1. to form a more perfect union
2. establish justice
3. insure domestic tranquility
4. provide for the common defense
5. promote general welfare
6. secure the blessing of liberty

Number 6 says liberty

But if Im wrong I think for number 11 is B

9. D

12. B
I am for positive that those two answers are correct. Hope this helped. I took a quiz on them so yeah I am sure about hose answers.


What was the outcome of the Constitutional Convention?

Trade with Europe was established
The Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation.
The Articles of Confederation were amended.
Compromises were proposed

8. The Virginia Plan proposed that representation in Congress should be based on a state's population. Supporters of the New Jersey Plan objected to this idea because they believed that each state should have equal representation regardless of population. The correct answer is A.

To get the answer, you would need to compare the points of the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan, and see which point from the Virginia Plan was objected to by supporters of the New Jersey Plan.

9. The Great Compromise, also known as the Connecticut Compromise, was a solution reached during the Constitutional Convention. It included equal representation in the Senate and representation based on population in the House of Representatives. However, the counting of enslaved people in state populations, known as the Three-Fifths Compromise, was not part of the Great Compromise. The correct answer is D.

To get the answer, you would need to understand the components of the Great Compromise and identify which option is not part of it.

10. The outcome of the Constitutional Convention was that the Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation. The correct answer is B.

To get the answer, you would need to know the purpose of the Constitutional Convention and what ultimately happened to the Articles of Confederation.

11. One of the goals stated in the Preamble to the Constitution is "to provide for the common defense." None of the options provided match this goal, so none of them are correct.

To get the answer, you would need to read the Preamble to the Constitution and identify the stated goals.

12. The goal stated as "to control all laws in the states" is not a major goal of the Constitution. The Constitution establishes a framework for governing the nation, protecting individual rights, ensuring peace, and establishing justice. The correct answer is B.

To get the answer, you would need to be familiar with the major goals of the Constitution and identify which one does not belong.

13. The Bill of Rights is a set of ten Constitutional amendments that specify fundamental freedoms and protections for individuals. The correct answer is C.

To get the answer, you would need to know what the Bill of Rights is and what it contains.