Krystal grilled 21 burgers at a block party. She grilled the same number of pounds of turkey burgers as hamburgers. Each turkey burger weighed 1/4 pounds and each hamburger weighed 1/3 pound. How many of each did Krystal grill?

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number of hamburgers ---- x

number of turkeyburgs --- 21-x

weight of hamburgers = (1/3)x
weight of turkeyburgs = (1/4)(21-x

so (1/3)x = (1/4)(21-x)
times 12 , the LCD
4x = 3(21-x)
4x = 63-3x
7x = 63
x = 9

so 9 hamburgers and 12 turkeyb's

To solve this problem, let's start by assigning variables to represent the unknowns.

Let's say x represents the number of turkey burgers that Krystal grilled, and y represents the number of hamburgers.

According to the given information, each turkey burger weighs 1/4 pound, and each hamburger weighs 1/3 pound.

Since Krystal grilled a total of 21 burgers, we can form an equation based on the number of burgers: x + y = 21.

Additionally, we know that the weight of the turkey burgers equals the weight of the hamburgers: (1/4)x = (1/3)y.

To eliminate the fractions, we can multiply both sides of the second equation by 12 (the least common multiple of 4 and 3), which gives us:
3x = 4y.

Now, we have a system of two equations:
x + y = 21,
3x = 4y.

We can solve this system using various methods, but let's use the substitution method:

From the first equation, we can express x in terms of y:
x = 21 - y.

Substituting this value of x into the second equation:
3(21 - y) = 4y.

Distributing 3 to both terms:
63 - 3y = 4y.

Bringing like terms to one side:
63 = 7y + 3y,
63 = 7y,
y = 9.

Now that we have the value of y, we can substitute it back into x + y = 21 to find x:
x + 9 = 21,
x = 21 - 9,
x = 12.

Therefore, Krystal grilled 12 turkey burgers and 9 hamburgers.