Which of the following is the best definition of science.

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To determine the best definition of science, we can consult reputable sources such as dictionaries or scientific organizations. One widely accepted definition of science is:

"The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment."
(Source: Oxford English Dictionary)

This definition highlights the key characteristics of science, which include:

1. Systematic study: Science involves a methodical approach to understanding the world around us. It requires organizing observations, collecting data, and conducting experiments in a structured manner.

2. Structure and behavior: Science primarily focuses on investigating the structures and mechanisms underlying phenomena and how they behave or interact in the physical and natural world.

3. Observation and experiment: Observing and experimenting are central to scientific inquiry. Scientists gather evidence through careful observation, measurement, and experimentation to develop theories and test hypotheses.

By considering this definition, we can understand that science is a disciplined, evidence-based approach to understanding and explaining the natural world.
