This is on demonstrative adjectives and are fill in the blanks.

____ pantolones son bonitos y el precio no es muy alto. Si, las dos cosas son geniales. Tambien me gustan ____ sueteres que estan cerca de ti. ?De que talla es _____ sueter negro, el de solo un color?

I'll email this to SraJMcGin. In the meantime, please post what you think are the answers.

I need to know WHO is telling the story:

"my" = mi, mis
"your (familiar singular" = tu, tus
his = su, sus
her = su, sus
your (formal, singular) = su, sus
our = nuestro/nuestra/nuestros/nuestras
your (familiar plural) = vuestro/vuestra/vuestros/vuestras
their = su, sus
your (formal, plural) = su, sus

In other words, I need ALL the instructions and/or a model (if there is one).


To fill in the blanks in the sentence, we need to use the appropriate demonstrative adjectives. Demonstrative adjectives indicate the proximity of the noun they modify relative to the speaker. In Spanish, there are three main demonstrative adjectives: este (this), ese (that), and aquel (that over there).

Based on the context of the sentence, we can determine the appropriate demonstrative adjectives to use.

1. The sentence starts with "____ pantalones," referring to pants. Since there is no indication of distance, we can use the neutral form "estos" (these) because it's the most common choice. So, the first blank should be filled with "Estos."

2. The sentence continues with "____ sueteres que están cerca de ti," referring to sweaters that are near the person being spoken to. Since the sweaters are closer to the person being addressed, we need to use the demonstrative adjective that represents something closer to the listener. In this case, we should use "esos" (those) since it refers to something near the listener. So, the second blank should be filled with "esos."

3. The question "¿De qué talla es _____ suéter negro, el de solo un color?" is asking about the size of a specific black sweater. Again, since there is no indication of distance, the neutral form "este" (this) should be used. So, the third blank should be filled with "este."

The completed sentence would be:

"Estos pantalones son bonitos y el precio no es muy alto. Sí, las dos cosas son geniales. También me gustan esos suéteres que están cerca de ti. ¿De qué talla es este suéter negro, el de solo un color?"