I have homework in my French book but left it at school. I use the Imaginez: le français sans frontières. There is an online version but it says I needa code. I don't have my book with me so I can't get the code from there. is it a common code that can be found on the internet or something?

No. The purpose of the code is to protect the copyright of the author and only permit it to be used by those who have paid for it.

If you left your French book at school and need access to the online version of Imaginez: le français sans frontières, you may encounter difficulties obtaining the code. Unfortunately, the access code for online resources typically varies for each individual book and edition. While some codes may be common and widely available on the internet, it is generally not recommended to search for or use such codes.

Here are a few options you could consider:

1. Contact your teacher or classmates: Reach out to your teacher and explain the situation. They might have a solution or be able to provide you with the access code or alternative resources. You can also ask your classmates if they can share the code with you temporarily.

2. Check the publisher’s website: Visit the website of the publisher of Imaginez: le français sans frontières. Some publishers provide support and assistance for students who have lost or forgotten their access codes. Look for a "support" or "contact" section on their website and reach out to them for help.

3. Ask your school’s librarian: If your school has a librarian, they might have a way to retrieve the access code for you. They could have a record of the codes or be able to guide you to the appropriate resources.

4. Seek alternative resources: While it's important to complete your homework, consider exploring alternative resources online that can provide similar content and exercises in French. There are various websites, apps, and online platforms that offer free or paid resources for learning and practicing French.

Remember, it's always best to follow academic integrity guidelines and obtain access to online resources through legitimate means.