one characteristic used to place organisms into kingdoms is.....

a) how they move
b) where they live
c) their ability to make food
d) their ability to reproduce

their ability to make food

The characteristic used to place organisms into kingdoms is their ability to make food.

To answer this question, you can examine the concept of classification in biology. Organisms are classified into different kingdoms based on various characteristics. One commonly used characteristic is their ability to make food, which is known as autotrophy. Autotrophic organisms are capable of synthesizing their own food through processes such as photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. These organisms are typically found in the Plant Kingdom, such as plants, algae, and some bacteria.

The other answer options are not the primary characteristic used for classifying organisms into kingdoms:
a) How they move: This characteristic is not relevant for determining the kingdom classification as organisms can have different modes of movement regardless of their kingdom. For example, both animals and some protists can move using different mechanisms.
b) Where they live: Habitat or environment is not the key factor for classifying organisms into kingdoms. Different organisms can be found in various habitats across different kingdoms.
d) Their ability to reproduce: Reproduction is a crucial aspect of biology, but it is not the primary characteristic considered for placing organisms into kingdoms. Organisms within different kingdoms can have different ways of reproducing, including sexual and asexual methods.

Therefore, the correct answer is c) their ability to make food.