One number is 12 less than three times another number. Their sum is 188. Write two equations that would be used to solve the system.

To solve this system of equations, let's first assign variables to the unknown numbers. Let's call one number "x" and the other number "y".

We are given two pieces of information in the problem:

1) "One number is 12 less than three times another number" can be represented mathematically as:
x = 3y - 12

2) "Their sum is 188" can be written as:
x + y = 188

So, the two equations that can be used to solve the system are:

Equation 1: x = 3y - 12
Equation 2: x + y = 188

Now, we can solve this system of equations using various methods like substitution, elimination, or graphing to find the values of x and y.

One number=x Another number=y

12-3y=188 I don't really get it sorry can you explain.

You should be able to make an effort yourself.

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