One weekend, a newsstand sold twice as many Sunday papers as Friday papers. The Sunday paper cost $0.90 and the Friday paper costs $0.25. The total receipts were $84.05. How many Friday and how many Sunday papers we sold? Write equation.

Sold X Friday papers.

Sold 2X Sunday papes.

0.25x + 0.90*2x = $84.05.

Eq: 0.25x + 1.8x = 84.05.

Let's assume the number of Friday papers sold is x.

According to the given information, the number of Sunday papers sold is twice the number of Friday papers, so it would be 2x.

The cost of a Friday paper is $0.25, so the total cost of Friday papers sold would be 0.25x.

The cost of a Sunday paper is $0.90, so the total cost of Sunday papers sold would be 0.90(2x) = 1.80x.

The total receipts were $84.05, so the equation becomes:
0.25x + 1.80x = 84.05.

Combining like terms, the equation can be simplified to:
2.05x = 84.05.

To isolate x, we divide both sides of the equation by 2.05:
x = 84.05 / 2.05.

Simplifying the right side of the equation gives us:
x ≈ 41.

Therefore, approximately 41 Friday papers were sold, and 2 * 41 = 82 Sunday papers were sold.

To solve this problem, let's assign variables to represent the number of Friday papers and Sunday papers sold. Let's say x represents the number of Friday papers sold. Therefore, since the newsstand sold twice as many Sunday papers as Friday papers, we can say that 2x represents the number of Sunday papers sold.

Given that the cost of a Friday paper is $0.25 and the cost of a Sunday paper is $0.90, we can calculate the total receipts for the Friday papers as 0.25x and the total receipts for the Sunday papers as 0.90(2x).

According to the problem, the total receipts were $84.05. So, we can write the equation as:

0.25x + 0.90(2x) = 84.05

Now let's solve this equation to find the values of x and 2x, which represent the number of Friday and Sunday papers sold, respectively.